The Benefits of Journal Writing for Kids
“Should I encourage my kids to keep a journal?”
In these days of too much screen time, a journal can help your kids find some balance in their communication choices. Journal writing is an incredible activity for kids. It’s especially good for young people that have a hard time expressing things orally or those that are reluctant to write as a “school assignment.” Some of the kids also prefer to remain a bit more private, since they are not comfortable saying their feelings out loud. That may be because they feel that their feelings and thoughts are not that important and they should not be shared openly. A journal comes in this scenario to help them find their creative voice. There are many other benefits of journaling. Here are a few:
Journaling Serves As An Emotional Outlet.
Keeping a journal can help kids with their emotional needs. For children who have a hard time expressing what they need verbally or even making decisions about essential matters, this could be the solution. Parents should also note that their kids will only be comfortable once they are sure that whatever is written in them is secure and not for prying eyes. With that done, they will be free and take on the writing with no problem. They will have an opportunity to feel anger, express their fears and also identify with their emotions. They will also be able to check on the pros and cons of situations as they make decisions. The child should be allowed to pick their journal so that they may feel some attachment to it and be more familiar hence the process starting smoothly.
Journaling Improves Writing Skills.
The more they write, the better they get at it. Spelling, grammar, and even vocabulary can all be enhanced through journal writing when done regularly. A kid who does practice often will be better than one who has not done the exercise. They can also have some drawings and sketches in there. It will boost their creative writing skills from a young age. As a parent, the task at hand is to encourage them to write daily if possible. They could also get them a vacation journal and let them carry it on family adventures and trips. They will enjoy documenting the whole experience by using pictures and souvenirs they acquired on the way.
Journaling Enhances Communication Skills.
Journaling helps kids to communicate their emotions, feelings, and ideas in the form of writing. Some of them, especially boys, will find communication is better writing or drawing than using oral communication. They will also have a chance to practice their handwriting skills at a young age. At school, they will be ahead of other students since they already know how to use vocabulary and also express themselves well. A prompted journal is best used for this purpose since they will answer questions given to them and respond in writing.
Journal writing is a wonderful opportunity to grow the academic and emotional capabilities of the children substantially. Introducing journal-writing to the kids will be a great thing for them. Without knowing it, they will be writing and creating volumes! So, why wait? Visit our online store and introduce the child to a journal. They will love it and will not want to stop.
©2018 The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group LLC. Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash. Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash
The Benefits of Journal Writing for Kids
“Should I encourage my kids to keep a journal?”
In these days of too much screen time, a journal can help your kids find some balance in their communication choices. Journal writing is an incredible activity for kids. It’s especially good for young people that have a hard time expressing things orally or those that are reluctant to write as a “school assignment.” Some of the kids also prefer to remain a bit more private, since they are not comfortable saying their feelings out loud. That may be because they feel that their feelings and thoughts are not that important and they should not be shared openly. A journal comes in this scenario to help them find their creative voice
Journaling Serves As An Emotional Outlet.
Keeping a journal can help kids with their emotional needs. For children who have a hard time expressing what they need verbally or even making decisions about essential matters, this could be the solution. Parents should also note that their kids will only be comfortable once they are sure that whatever is written in them is secure and not for prying eyes. With that done, they will be free and take on the writing with no problem. They will have an opportunity to feel anger, express their fears and also identify with their emotions. They will also be able to check on the pros and cons of situations as they make decisions. The child should be allowed to pick their journal so that they may feel some attachment to it and be more familiar hence the process starting smoothly.
Journaling Improves Writing Skills.
The more they write, the better they get at it. Spelling, grammar, and even vocabulary can all be enhanced through journal writing when done regularly. A kid who does practice often will be better than one who has not done the exercise. They can also have some drawings and sketches in there. It will boost their creative writing skills from a young age. As a parent, the task at hand is to encourage them to write daily if possible. They could also get them a vacation journal and let them carry it on family adventures and trips. They will enjoy documenting the whole experience by using pictures and souvenirs they acquired on the way.
Journaling EnhancesCommunication Skills.
Journaling helps kids to communicate their emotions, feelings, and ideas in the form of writing. Some of them, especiallyboys, will find communication is better writing or drawing than using oral communication. They will also have a chance to practice their handwriting skills at a young age. At school, they will be ahead of other students since they already know how to use vocabulary and also express themselves well. A prompted journal is best used for this purpose since they will answer questions given to them and respond in writing.
Journal writing is a wonderful opportunity to grow the academic and emotional capabilities of the children substantially. Introducing journal-writing to the kids will be a great thing for them. Without knowing it, they will be writing and creating volumes! So, why wait? Visit our online store and introduce the child to a journal. They will love it and will not want to stop.
©2018 The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group LLC. Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash. Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash