The “Small Tooth Dog” Publishing Group LLC is based in Arizona. We publish a range of items that deal mostly with the performing arts and creativity and kids’ books for parents to share stories with their children. This page was last updated on March 23, 2025.
You can reach us via postal mail at:
Contact us for a street address.
(BEST!) Email: staff at smalltoothdog dot com (Use a great subject line, won’t you?)
Phone: (623) 663-6600.
We’re a small company with many projects. So, the phone is the least reliable way to reach us, as you’ll get our voicemail nearly every time. Please contact us via Email or (best→) join our regular Monday night free coaching (and questions) group at
Mission Statement:
We are a small, niche-based publishing company in Arizona.
We publish books in the arts and creativity for adults and kids.
We want to build personally rewarding and profitable relationships with our authors, illustrators, and staff.
We are a diverse, friendly, and welcoming company supporting and incorporating marginalized community members and allies.
We want to encourage you to pursue your purpose in life.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Service:
We respect your right to privacy. If you join one of our email lists, you will only hear from us, and your information will not be sold, rented, etc. This website is intended for adult visitors. Some products or resources are available for parents or caregivers to use with and for their children or teachers in a classroom setting. We participate in Facebook and Google advertising programs. We participate in the Amazon affiliates program. Those services use cookies that may be placed on your computer in keeping with standard website and internet behaviors. If you use credit or debit card numbers on our https:// secure site, none of that information is retained in our offices or by us in any way. Our merchant sites, Stripe, Shopify, or Paypal, process your payments securely. If you place an order with us, our system will retain your non-financial data. If you attended one of our live events and provided us with your Email address, that will have been added to our customer list. Billing on your payment card may appear as variations on the names of our company, such as “The Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing Group,” “Folktale Leadership,” or “Creation Company Consultants.” “Do Not Track” beacons may not be honored on this site.
Permission to Read Books Online?
The uniqueness of the world beginning in the pandemic might cause you to ask, “Can I read your books to my online audience?” If you are a teacher, you may read our books online to your students as part of the accepted “Fair Use” doctrine. Recording that reading and distributing it is questionable if it is used for any purpose outside of an educational setting for immediate use by a set of students.
If you are not a teacher in an accredited school but plan on reading our books and posting that reading to social media, websites, etc.,: That does require our permission. While we’re flattered that you like one of our releases, we ask you to email us the what, where, when, and who before you use our titles. We’re unlikely to deny your request (it’s easier to get permission than forgiveness if you fall for that old backward saying), but please request any rate. We may be able to assist you with additional promotions. When in doubt, ask. When in doubt, if you should be in doubt, ask. Please find us at Thank you.
Nothing on this site should be considered a guarantee of income, amounts of income, or business success. All products are sold as-is.
If you purchased a product from this site directly via our shopping cart, you have seven days from delivery to return an item in usable condition. Please get in touch with our office at for an RMA#.
If you send us comments, pictures, letters, and so forth, we reserve the right to republish those items in any format. We will obscure your complete identity in publishing comments unless you request otherwise.
Manuscripts and Queries
We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Contact us for guidelines first by providing us with an initial email with your concept. We are revising our 2025-2026 schedule for internal projects, assisted self-publishing projects, and a limited number of new titles from outside authors. Send your simple (write like a human being) query letter via email to You must use the subject line “book query.” Thanks.
For 2025/2026: We are currently seeking submissions for (picture books) or (preteen reading) that have either the subject/theme of “kindness and caring,” “building community,” or “personal development.” We are a diverse company with a variety of options. Again, please do not send us an unsolicited manuscript. It will be deleted or trashed if you have not first sent a query letter.
“Done For You” Books for Professionals and SME (Subject Matter Experts)
We can create multi-chapter “question and answer” books for professionals seeking to create a book for their work. This work is perfect for professionals such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, insurance reps, and others in the same work. You may contact us for information on this “done for you” project for your business.