Independent Bookstores! See Us in the Latest Catalog!
Bookstores and Buyers. Look for us in the latest FALL 2019 Indie Catalog hitting Independent Bookstores Now! You’ll find us on page 21, featuring some of our great books! Buyers: Order direct from us when you open a trade account (we’re easy) with your store’s Email address. Please contact us directly for POS swag as needed. We’re here to help.
Find Our Books Here or via Ingram.
From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story.
Don’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch: A Woodrat and Coyote Adventure.
The Fox and the Crow: Art and Stories Inspired by Aesop.
Kids’ Ultimate Guide to Creating Great Stories for Writing and Telling.
Tags : books, catalog, independent bookstores, indie, publishing, trade account