New Catalog for Independent Bookstores!
#IndiesFirst! We are, as they say, delighted to be a featured publisher in the latest catalog for independent bookstores via the IBPA. You’ll find our titles on page 24. This season, we’re featuring: “From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story” by Laura Packer; “Don’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch” by Marc Severson; “The Fox and the Crow: Art and Stories Inspired by Aesop with Michelle and Sean Buvala; (and soon to be released) “The Kid’s Ultimate Guide to Creating Fun and Fantastic Stories for Writing and Telling” also by Sean Buvala.
Use the links above to order your copy of any of the books. TRADE/Industry ACCOUNTS: please see our page at this link now in order to create an account for your ordering with trade terms. Point-of-Sale materials are available for most titles we offer.