So, You Want to Publish a Book?

Let’s start the conversation.

Here are free resources, starting with this video. Before you contact us, watch the videos, please. They will give you insight into publishing, regardless of where or how you publish your books.

Watch this video we made for the Tucson Festival of Books:

• Contact page: How to reach us.

• Instagram

• Book idea: Do you want submission guidelines? Before you submit a query letter or what-have-you, you need to read this.


Go deeper: Do you want a one-to-one video call with our publisher? The cost is $36, and you can sign up here:

(If we didn’t charge for these ↑, we’d be doing them all day long. If we work together, this fee will be refunded or credited to you.)

Free Coaching: Do you want advice but don’t want to set up a paid appointment? Joins us on Mondays.

RIGHT CLICK on the video to get the controls for any of these videos.