Tag: greetings
Seasonal Schedule 2019.
Our staff wishes you a fine slate of the Winter Holidays of Light and Family. With our team spread out in both hemispheres, we know it may or may not actually be winter where you are. Nonetheless, best wishes to you in the time of the solstice.
We’re running a very light schedule. Everything is moving forward, but if you call the office, you might not get someone to answer. Feel free to email us at staff@smalltoothdog.com between now and January 2nd. There are still a few Instagram and Twitter posts that will pop up. Come follow along if you’d like.
Tickets for all events (both free and gated) can still be purchased at this Eventbrite page or this Eventbrite page.
We’re looking forward to many more books in 2020 and some fantastic events offering education and entertainment.
Thank you all (customers, staff, authors, and Illustrators) for a great 2019. We’re happy to be on this journey with you in 2020.