Category: Resources
Pendergast School-District Kindergarten Event
Michelle and Sean were recently at the “Welcome to Kindergarten” for the Pendergast School District in Avondale, Arizona. 100 lucky families received a free copy of the DADDYTELLER book from Sean. PESD uses a bee as a mascot (“We BEE-lieve in You!”)…so Sean captured the moment in a photo. Thanks for hosting us, good PESD folks!
Free Coloring Pages: Apples for the Princess
As part of our kick-off for the new “Apples for the Princess: A Fairytale about Kindness and Honesty,” we added a few free coloring pages for you to download and give to your kids (or you can keep them for yourself, à la an adult coloring book, too.) Find the links to the free pages by scrolling down the posting at this link now. Enjoy!
Speaking of an “adult coloring book,” you should really watch this site for news very soon. Or, join our Emailing list over on this side of the page here. >>>>>>
Fairytales Teach….
Are fairytales any good any more for modern audiences, for kids, for schools, for life? The fairytale has taken somewhat of a beating of late. Thought to be too “this” or “that,” it’s easy to miss the teachable moments in the middle of trying to seek balance in these older stories…or the new ones being made. Here are a few of our thoughts. This is the first three of the series. You can find Part Two at this link now. Most of the illustrations in this collection are from our “Apples for the Princess” kid’s book. Please feel free to Pin or Book or Tweet or link to us on social media. Thanks!
1. Fairytales teach that our words can have consequences and rewards.
2. Fairytales teach that one kind action can help and heal.
3. Fairytales teach that others should first be treated well with dignity.
It’s important, we think, that we understand that nothing children (especially) encounter is done in a vacuum of experience. As parents, we need to actively engage in all media from ancient tales to modern phone screens. What is your child seeing? All media can be used to teach, even the moments that you think the child “isn’t ready for.” Engage. Look at your kids. Tell them fairytales…or read them. 🙂 .
Fairytales Teach…..Part Two
Are fairytales any good any more for modern audiences, for kids, for schools, for life? The fairytale has taken somewhat of a beating of late. Thought to be too “this” or “that,” it’s easy to miss the teachable moments in the middle of trying to seek balance in these older stories…or the new ones being made. Here are a few of our thoughts. This is the second posting in the series. You can see the first post at this link now. Part Three is linked at the bottom of this post. The illustrations in this collection are from our “Apples for the Princess” kid’s book. Please feel free to Pin or Book or Tweet or link to us on social media. More thoughts after the pictures…
4. Fairytales teach that life requires a journey.

5. Fairytales teach that things are not always what they seem.

6. Fairytales teach that even those who live in castles have problems.

It’s important, we think, that we understand that nothing children (especially) encounter is done in a vacuum of experience. As parents, we need to actively engage in all media from ancient tales to modern phone screens. What is your child seeing? All media can be used to teach, even the moments that you think the child “isn’t ready for.” Engage. Look at your kids. Tell them fairytales…or read them. 🙂 .
GO to Part Three at this link now.
If you found this series of posts to be helpful, we hope you’ll consider picking up an affordable copy of Michelle’s book in paperback or Kindle. Thank you.