New Journal Book: I Am Ready.
New Journal for Creative Writing for Stage and Page!
Your personal tales can have a strong effect on others. Use this lined-journal and the 60 prompts within to discover, create, and preserve new memories that will become stories for your work on the page or on the stage.
Product Details:
- 60 Simple Prompts to Help You Create Important Stories
- Use this blank journal as a tool to recall important life stories.
- Turn those stories into important stories to write or speak.
- Great for spoken-word performers, poets, authors, and storytellers.
- Intended for adults and teens who have a passion for writing and story telling.
Extra Bonus Material!
This journal includes an important session on how to create a story from the bits and pieces you might recall when using this book. Your guide to crafting a story is presented by Sean Buvala, whose work in the art of storytelling has spanned 30 years across the U.S. and Canada. His simple formula will help you develop stories that have impact and meaning to you and those who read or hear your stories.
Get the “I Am Ready” journal today and get started on creating powerful personal narratives for personal growth or public performance.
60 intriguing phrase-based prompts to help you create new stories for speaking and writing. A book for writing in. Each prompt includes two pages of lined journal paper for you to form your stories.
Buy in our secure online store at this link.
ISBN: 978-1947408982
ISBN Spiral Bound: 978-19447408999
Arizona Library Association Conference 2018!
We’re happy to be with you at the #AzLA2018 in Mesa, Arizona! Sean will be teaching his workshop, “Public Speaking for the Terrified,” on Thursday (October 25th) morning.
We have this year’s collectible button, too, but only 100 of them. Come get yours! See us in the vendor hall, space #102, for your “swag bag” with posters, buttons, bookmarks, and our latest catalog sheet. Let’s talk about workshops and services our Arizona-local company can do for you and your clients.
Here’s a recap of Day One:
AND- Bring your business card and sign up to be on our “advanced reader” list for upcoming titles. You know you always wanted to be a book blurb . . .
Cover Reveal: Don’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch!
We’re happy to show you the latest cover design for our next book for kids! Marc Severson’s “Don’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch!” has been released! Illustrated by Francesco Orazzini, this fun book for older kids features the creatures of the Sonoran desert in a reimagined trickster tale!
As we roll out this book, come visit the web page at for more information! Add your name to our mailing list on the right-hand side of the page so that we can tell you more about this upcoming work. A book for bigger kids, it features a higher-reading level text and fantastic illustrations that are just a bit quirky.
New Fall/Winter Cooperatives Are Now Posted
Authors! Our latest book-show co-ops are now posted. If you have a quality book that you’d like displayed (or even sold) at some upcoming events, please see our co-op page at Of course, if we have published your book, your book will already be at these shows! Upcoming events include the Tempe Book Festival, Mesa Book Festival, Arizona Library Association, and StoryRise Goodyear.
Photo: Chris Lawton
New! Aves! Insectos! Bestias con Alas! Birds! Bugs! Beasts with Wings!
Explore the world of living things with wings in this fun book for the young child.
Bright photos are matched with simple sentences and rhymes.
En Inglés y Español.
Tips for parents included, too.
It’s a cute little picture book for parents and caregivers to read with a small child, but it’s really a tool for growing literacy in the young child! The keys to early literacy: read the words, look at the pictures, ask questions, talk about what you see.
New Titles Teaser, Fall 2018
Our publishing season really runs from July to July, with most of our books coming in the last and first quarters of the year. Here’s a little teaser look at some covers of upcoming projects. Be sure to join our mailing list to keep up with our work and/or follow us on the medias social. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
BookHowl: New Books Coming to Small Tooth Dog!
Get on the list! The following (below on this page) lists are to keep you informed about upcoming books. These lists below are used only to tell you about one specific book. For general information, please use the Email form to the right >>>> .
1. Laura Packer has a new book being released in December. Get on that list now here:
Teasing the Fall/Spring Line Up
Oh! Have we got some good books coming soon for you! Let’s see now, there are at least 3 books for kids and big kids, one really nice work on the art of oral storytelling, a collection of off-kilter folktales. We’re making some editorial decisions about two more how-to books and we’re talking to new potential authors all this month. Along with new authors, we have two new illustrators who are bringing their time and talent to our upcoming books. You just have to keep your eyes open for fresh works, coming soon.
So! Add yourself to the mailing list over on that >>>> side of the website and we’ll keep you in the loop!
Ok! Fine, here’s a teaser of one of the new illustrations from one of the big-kids’ books. Think the moon over the Sonoran desert. . .
Our Publisher in the IBPA Magazine!
Sean Buvala had a nice article in the trade magazine for the Independent Book Publishers’ Association October edition. In it, he talks about the many ways an author might connect with an audience for books sales and speaking connections.
You can read the article online at this link.