Aesop Poster Series Coming Soon!
Coming Soon! We’ll be releasing our small collection of “The Fox and The Crow,” with Aesop tales hand-illustrated by the Mesquite Tree Studio. We’ll be running a promotion that will encourage you to buy your copy on a specific day over at the big online book distributor. When you are one of the first X numbers of people to do so on the day we tell you, we’ll be sending you (postal mail!) a three-piece poster set that’s ready to go up on a teacher’s bulletin board or maybe even framing for your home or office. PLUS every person who orders gets free middle-grades lesson plans created to match the posters. Here’s a sneak peek at the first in the series, which will not contain the watermark you see here. Keep your eyes open!
Learn More: So You Want to Publish Your Book?
We’ve created a workshop to help answer the most basic questions about publishing your nonfiction book for adults or teens. We’re also going to be discussing creating the basic kids’ book. Learn more about this Arizona-based live workshop at this link now.
Mission Statement.
*We are a small, niche-based publishing company in Arizona.
*We publish books in the arts and creativity for adults and kids.
*We want to build personally-rewarding and profitable relationships with our authors, illustrators, staff and customers.
*We are a diverse, friendly, and welcoming company.
*We want to encourage you to pursue your purpose in life.
Mesa Book Festival 2017
We’ll be at the Mesa Book Festival on December 9th! We hope you’ll stop by our booth.
Small Tooth Dog at Tempe Book Festival 2017
So, how much fun did we have at the Tempe Book Festival? Lots and lots. We were proud to introduce #PrincessCortland from the “Apples for the Princess” book, too! Thank you so much to the good team at Tempe Public Library for putting on such a great and diverse event.

Story on Saturday Podcast
Our publisher, Sean Buvala, has released a new podcast series. It’s a bit kinder and gentler than his “Inappropriate Folktales” podcast, but still not really designed for the little ones. You can find it a, with links to ways to subscribe at all the normal podcast-y places.
Autumn 2017
Things are moving forward for our group for the Fall of 2017. Well, Autumn in our part of the world anyway. Here’s a pic from our run today to our local and serious art-supply store as our staff gets ready for some exciting new things. We gotta have supplies!
We’re going to be hosting vendor tables and offering workshops at the city of Goodyear’s Art of Cultures event in October. We’ll be doing the same for the Tempe Book Festival in November. We’re still talking to Thrill Halloween about doing the same with them, with a special focus on the artwork from The Mesquite Tree Studio.
We’ve got two new books coming. Our book in helping kids write and tell stories should be out late November. Our Aesop and Art book, The Fox and the Crow, has been moved around a bunch but we’re pretty sure we’re looking at December.
Along the way, we’re creating workshops and articles both public and private.
Thanks for stopping by our site.
An Aesop Tease
Just a little tease of the art from our forthcoming “The Fox and the Crow” collection of Aesop tales. Currently on for a late August release. All art by Michelle Buvala of The Mesquite Tree Studio in Arizona. This is a piece from “The King of the Birds” fable.
NEW! Request for Proposals Page!
We’re starting to list our RFP or Calls on their own page. These will be most often for illustrators. Please visit the page at this link now to see our latest requests.