Video: Pick the Brain of a Storytelling Expert.

Sean Buvala talks about how Laura Packer’s New book is like taking part in one of those “pick my brain” sessions with an expert in the field of oral storytelling and public speaking. Short video:

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Arizona Spring 2020 Author’s Mindset Conference & Other Training Sessions!

Lots of Training in the first quarter of 2020! Learn More about our upcoming Indie Author’s Mindset Conference, training held in spring 2020, in Avondale Arizona. Visit the page at this link now. Learn more about the FREE “So, You Want to Publish Your Book?” training-sessions at this link now.

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Praise for “From Audience to Zeal” by Laura S. Packer

shows covers of laura packer's new book title from audience to zeal the abcs of finding crafting and telling a great story“In ‘From Audience to Zeal,’ Laura Packer has created a ‘cabinet of curiosities’ that is a remarkable combination of good advice and wonder about the length and breadth of storytelling… time and time again as I read it has set me to thinking about how delicious and right her words are.”
-Loren Niemi, Storyteller

“Whether telling stories for fun or for one’s livelihood, this reference guide will be a useful addition to one’s storytelling library. Beginning storytellers will find that it easily breaks down the nuts and bolts of storytelling from ‘A to Z’. Seasoned storytellers will appreciate Laura’s experiences and anecdotes to hone their own practices.  What I valued most about Laura’s approach is that she provides a blending of storytelling pragmatic, theory and skills while using her own stories and sense of humor to guide the reader along.”
-Aimee DuBois, Storytelling Instructor, Normandale Community College

“Wow! Yes, that’s one of the entries in this amazing book, along with Love and Vulnerability, Tenderness and Truth. Although I am not a professional storyteller and reading a book – even one as good as this – isn’t going to make me one, I can say that I came to have even greater regard for this profession, and for author Laura Packer, a very special storyteller, as well. Like many A-to-Z books, this one is intended to be dipped into as the need arises, but it was equally interesting and informative read in linear fashion. Indeed, the lessons reinforced each other and the writing is engaging and lyrical. This book promises to enlighten and delight, to demonstrate and show, and yes, to cause the reader to say, more than once, ‘Wow!'”
-Susan Dray

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Laura Packer Interview: Author of “From Audience to Zeal” (Part Three)

Interview with Laura Packer

“It was so important to me that…that I neither shield my audience from the depth and rigor of what it is to be a good storyteller nor do I present this in such a way that they feel like it’s never attainable, that they can’t reach it.” -Laura

Author and Storyteller Laura S. Packer is the creator of “From Audience to Zeal: The ABCs of Finding, Crafting, and Telling a Great Story.” Part 3: Laura Packer and Sean Buvala discuss the nature of Laura’s new book, coming at the end of 2018. They talk about the invite a reader needs in order to feel comfortable in the conversation of an author’s book. They discuss the nature of how stories are used for bonding people’s lives together in the midst of a real-life lab(rador) in the office. Woof. Part 3 of 8. Learn more at Preorder a Kindle version at this link now.

You can listen here to part three. To hear more of this great interview, please check your favorite podcast provider and search for “ Amphitheater.” You can also go directly to our hosting site at

A transcript for Part Three is printed below the “listen” link below. Additional transcripts for other issues will be available soon!

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The Benefits of Journal Writing for Kids

“Should I encourage my kids to keep a journal?”

 In these days of too much screen time, a journal can help your kids find some balance in their communication choices. Journal writing is an incredible activity for kids. It’s especially good for young people that have a hard time expressing things orally or those that are reluctant to write as a “school assignment.” Some of the kids also prefer to remain a bit more private, since they are not comfortable saying their feelings out loud. That may be because they feel that their feelings and thoughts are not that important and they should not be shared openly. A journal comes in this scenario to help them find their creative voice. There are many other benefits of journaling. Here are a few: 

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Fun @ Mesa Book Festival 2018

Hey Folks! We (were) at the Mesa Book Festival this weekend, Saturday, December 8th, 2018 in downtown Mesa, Arizona. We’ve got a small handful of new books that will make great gifts for the authors, artists, poets, and storytellers in your life. Sean Buvala shows you two of these new books in this short video. PLUS+ we’ve got a simple and fun craft project for kids (and big kids and bigger kids…all y’all) See you this weekend in Mesa! #mesabookfestival2018 #mbf2018 #mesabookfest2018


8-828PM. Cleaning Up at the Mesa Book Festival from Sean Buvala on Vimeo.

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New: You Wake Up One Morning- A Journal for Tweens and PreTeens

Come take a look at this new video for our latest journal for younger authors and creative spirits. Help your tweens break away from screen time to create journals, grids, graphics, and more. They’ll be inspired by more than 50 imaginative quotes about the world they discover when they “wake up one morning.” Fun, creative. Great gifts for the those kids ages 10-13.

Learn more at

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New Book: The Storyteller’s List Book

Now available. It’s a journal and a tool! This is a write-in journal for keeping track of your the stories, poems, and spoken-word pieces you have performed.

Build your own resource of the stories you tell as well as where and when you told them. Generous blank pages for each story with simple prompts. In addition, there are many blank pages in the back for keeping track of programs you create. A write-in resource for all storytellers and speakers to keep track of what, when, where, and with whom their stories were shared.

Get one or give one today with this link for our secure online store.

Your local independent bookstore can order a copy for you. Ask them to check their “Ingram” system to order it.

You can get it at the big A book-retailer at this link.

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Give Books as Gifts this Holiday!

cover of you wake up one morning featuring doodles of typical morning items such as a school bus unmade bed shower pancakes cerealGive books as gifts. Use our code “cyberholiday” in the online store at to save. For the first holiday weekend, this code is worth a 20% saving (!) through November 26th. Percentage changes after that date. Come to get some great books!

showing a collection of book covers from our titles including books for kids, adults and write-in journals. code cyberholiday valid for 20% discount through 26 november 2018

Now! You Wake Up One Morning. . .

cover of you wake up one morning featuring doodles of typical morning items such as a shcool bus unmade bed shower panckakes cerealA prompted journal for creative expression in words and art for kids in the ages (suggested) of 9-13. Get One Here.

You Wake Up One Morning. . .

  • . . .and there’s a tiger in the corner of your room.
  • . . .everything you wish for comes true.
  • . . .you are only 2 inches tall.

What Would YOU do? Create Your Answer in Words and Art!

This journal has dozens of fun prompts all about “waking up one morning” and so many different blank pages just waiting for creative thoughts and art: boxed pages, journal pages, college-ruled, storyboards, graphic-novel style layouts and more!

Choose and Get Started!

Take a look through the prompts and find one that gets your brain-juice flowing. Then find a page that lets you write your thoughts or make your art…whatever you want to do! There are no “right” answers in this journal, no correct way to be creative. Go for it!

Two Styles Available!

You can get the journal in paperback binding or spiral-bound. The spiral-bound uses a sturdy, professional-grade plastic coil binding designed to last. (The spiral-binding is on back order until December 1. Shipments with this binding will be delayed.)

A Great Gift!

Hey Parents, Grandparents and All Caregivers: Give the gift of mind-engaging, screens-down creativity! Take a look at this journal for the growing writer and artist in your world. With plenty of room for self-expression in a size that is backpack-perfect (7×10 inches), you probably have at least one “big kid” somewhere in your life who would love a journal like this.

Compiled by K. Sean Buvala, whose decades of experience in story development, creative expression and on-stage storytelling has taken him throughout the U.S. and Canada. The prompts in this book have been chosen to perfectly fit the fresh “abstract-thinking” mind of the preteen kid.

Also available on Amazon at

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