Category: In the News

Announcements, Updates, TFOB Streaming

Some updates on our publishing company in Arizona, talking about new releases and our upcoming streaming during the Tucson Festival of Books! With Sean Buvala.

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So, You Want to Publish Your Book? (Workshop)

So, You Want to Publish Your Book?

a paper collage piece of book art

Author, Speaker, Healer, Teacher?

We have a new workshop for you. Also, see the video below. First thing you must know: we’re different as a publisher. Our first concern is helping you as an author (or other creative) develop the mindset and carer path that will help you reach out to your audience and readers, building a stable future. It’s not just about “writing a book.” Rather, we’re about helping you succeed with your next book…and beyond. 

We focus on publishing nonfiction books in the areas of the arts and creativity. We also publish kids’ books and collections of world tales. We do not publish fiction such as novels outside of some collections of stories. Regardless of your genre, our workshop will help you come to understand your modern publishing options.

Let’s Start With Some Truths.

“I want to publish a book.”

We know you have the dream. We’re authors and speakers, too.
Read more

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Tucson Festival of Books 2021! Virtual Live!

New News!! We’re happy to tell you that we’ll be in the virtual exhibit hall for 2021 (virtual)  Tucson Festival of Books this year. We’ll be live streaming interviews with authors and illustrators, classes, and storytelling throughout the weekend of March 6 and 7. Watch for information! Pop over and SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel to get the updates on all the live presentations.

Seeking Some Specific Book Queries

First, please note: We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. So, please read this before you submit anything at all:

We are currently seeking submissions for two specific projects here at Small-Tooth-Dog Publishing. We’re developing (picture books for kids) and also (preteen reading for, um, preteens) that have either the subject/theme of “oceanography” or “kindness and caring.” You may interpret those themes broadly. We are a diverse company with a variety of options for producing content and we have some specific marketing projects and goals in mind.

Again, please do not send an unsolicited manuscript to us. It will be deleted or trashed if you have not first sent a query letter and had your manuscript requested.

First- subscribe to our mailing list (on this page) to stay up-to-date on our projects.

Then, send your simple query letter (less is more, friends) via email to: and use the subject line, “book query.” Thanks.

First-time authors are welcome. Please note our Mission Statement below so you’ll understand how we operate and to be sure our values align with yours:

Mission Statement:
We are a small, niche-based publishing company in Arizona.
We publish books on the arts and creativity for adults and kids.
We want to build personally-rewarding and profitable relationships with our authors, illustrators, and staff.
We are a diverse, friendly, and welcoming company supporting and incorporating members (and allies) of marginalized communities.
We want to encourage you to pursue your purpose in life.



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Award, Too! “Don’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch” Receives Storytelling World Honors

showing our books from audience to zeal and dont throw me in the cholla patch along with gold award callouts

And! Marc Severson’sDon’t Throw Me in the Cholla Patch” gets an Honor (honorable mention) in the 2020 Storytelling World Honors event. We’re proud of this unique and quirky book (with Francesco Orazzini’s great art) and can’t wait to bring the next book in the series in late 2020 or early 2021.

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Happy New Year 2020!

Wishing you and yours the best in 2020. We’ll have some great books for you!

the words happy new year over lit candles with a golden hue

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Seasonal Schedule 2019.

close up of a lit christmas tree with a large gold ball ornament and a felt ornament shaped like a white cactus

Our staff wishes you a fine slate of the Winter Holidays of Light and Family. With our team spread out in both hemispheres, we know it may or may not actually be winter where you are. Nonetheless, best wishes to you in the time of the solstice.

We’re running a very light schedule. Everything is moving forward, but if you call the office, you might not get someone to answer. Feel free to email us at between now and January 2nd. There are still a few Instagram and Twitter posts that will pop up. Come follow along if you’d like.

Tickets for all events (both free and gated) can still be purchased at this Eventbrite page or this Eventbrite page.

We’re looking forward to many more books in 2020 and some fantastic events offering education and entertainment.

Thank you all (customers, staff, authors, and Illustrators) for a great 2019. We’re happy to be on this journey with you in 2020.


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Happy Thanksgiving 2019

From our team to you, happy Thanksgiving to our U.S. friends and family. For the rest of you, may you have some wonderful moments of gratitude this week. Peace.

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Arizona Library Annual Conference 2019! #AZLA2019

pictures of small tooth dog button showing our logo do reading a book to three puppies. drawing. hashtag azla2019 and smalltoothdog

Find Us!

Twitter. Facebook. Instagram. #smalltoothdog

We’re Here!

We’re here to tell you that it is all about to get Arizona Library Association annual conference in this space. (Tucson, November 7, 8, 9, 2019) It’s almost time, men and women! Vendor booth, cool swag, these limited edition buttons (new for this year!!), TWO workshops, author-illustrator panel, and MOAR books!!! You need to watch this space or take a vacation from our space because we are THRILLED to be back at #AZLA2019 hanging with librarians. You know, the people working to keep information free, open, and available? These are #Librarians!!! For the Win!!!

We’ll see you at the AZLA Conference in November 2019.

The Arizon Library Association Annual Conference
Tucson Convention Center.
Tucson Arizona.
November 7 8 9, 2019. Stop by our booth for some free stuff, a storytelling game, and more information!


WORKSHOP: SO YOU WANT TO PUBLISH A CHILDREN’S BOOK? (Panel!) 245PM Thursday. November 7, 2019! GREENLEE Room